Autism, Learning Disability, Gifted Testing, and IQ testing are administered by Dr. Rebecca Parnell, a licensed psychologist in Charlotte North Carolina.

Evaluations for Children

If you’re like most parents, it can be overwhelming to navigate the process of getting your child the help they need to overcome educational and/or mental health challenges.  Schools, counselors and other providers will often turn to psychologists to conduct an evaluation of your child.  But what is an evaluation and how do you decide what is best for your child?  What is the difference between a psychological and psychoeducational evaluation?  What kinds of tests will be given?  How do I help my child prepare for this process?

We offer evaluations that assess the following areas:

  • Learning Disabilities

  • Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • Gifted/Talent Development Placement

  • Early Kindergarten Entrance/Readiness

  • Anxiety, Depression and Externalizing Behaviors (Opposition and Conduct Concerns)

  • Attachment Concerns

When I first speak with parents who are interested in having their child evaluated, the first questions I tackle are usually along these lines – even before we get to talking about their child’s needs.  If you are finding yourself in a similar situation and are unsure of what your child needs, check out these quick guides and, as always, feel free to contact me if you need more information.