KAP Exclusionary Criteria

Certain cardiovascular conditions

Individuals with a untreated or uncontrolled hypertension, angina (chest pain), heart disease and/or a history of arrhythmia may require additional medical clearance in order to participate. This can include completing an EKG to make sure you’re healthy enough to participate.


Individuals who are pregnant are not eligible for the KAP program because of the underdetermined potential effects on the fetus.

Other Mental Health Conditions

Those with a primary psychotic or dissociative disorder or who are currently in a manic or mixed episode are not eligible for treatment with ketamine. Individuals who are experiencing hallucinations and acute episodes of distress should not participate.

Opiates cannot be taken concurrently with ketamine therapy. Please consult your treating clinician if you are taking anxiety medications such as benzodiazepines, pregabalin, or gabapentin as they may blunt the antidepressant effects of ketamine.

medication interactions

Other Health Conditions

In addition to cardiovascular conditions, the following are not recommended for KAP or may require medical clearance before participating:

  • Uncontrolled hyperthyroidism

  • Icreased intracranial pressure

  • Evidence of liver disease

  • Previously demonstrated allergy to ketamine

  • Those with a history of cystitis or other bladder issues

This is not an exhaustive list of exclusions and your medical history

will be reviewed by the prescribing physician and treating therapist.